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2024 Fall Meeting:
We had a great time at our Fall meeting at the historic schoolhouse at Christianson's Nursery in Mount Vernon, Washington, on November 16th.  We started the day with an introduction to the nursery and a guided tour of the property with owner John Christianson.  Anne Long from the Dahlia House shared her passion for ranunculus and anemones and gave us some tips and tricks.  After lunch Lore Sampson gave us an informative talk on the progression of peony flower forms.  Steve Smith gave us a photo tour from the APS Convention in Bloomington, Minnesota, and his visits to various peony farms and gardens in Wisconsin.


We wrapped up the day with our live auction, featuring an incredible selection of peony roots donated by talented growers, along with many other exciting items.  It was one of our largest auctions ever, and at the end of the day, we raised over $5,000 for the society.

2024 Annual Meeting:
We celebrated our 25th annual meeting at Bauman’s Farm and Garden, a family-owned Oregon farm, established in 1895. They offer fresh, locally-grown produce, gourmet foods, bakery, garden plants and more.  Topics for the day included growing peonies from seed, specific outcomes
of peony crosses showing the good and not so good flowers. A review of our 2023 garden tours and our annual business meeting.  And of course one of the big draws for our local events at the end of the day is the live auction.

One of the items on the agenda was updating our by-laws and constitution.  Why the changes?  We are looking to reflect the legal description of our society as registered with the Oregon Secretary of State, our bank accounts, logo and social media.  The documents show the word "North West" as two separate words.  We are proposing it be combined into one word to match the above already registered documents and bank account with a single word of "Northwest".  Additionally it was voted to standardize the official abbreviation to be known as PNWPS.

About Us
The Pacific Northwest Peony Society warmly welcomes peony enthusiasts from all over the region. We’re excited to share our love for these beautiful flowers and invite others to join us in celebrating and exploring the world of peonies.
Let's Chat
Call or email:
(253) 709-0102
for any questions or more information. 



© 2025 Pacific Northwest Peony Society. Photos may not be used without permission from PNWPS.  Proudly created with

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